Picked up some games on sale for PS4 this week. Robotics;Note, both Dash and Elite, Yu-No, and The Alliance Alive. Fred picked up Regalia of Men and Monarchs. He’s been giving it’s story high praise but hates some of the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for calcula
While I’m playing Trails of Cold Steel IV, Fred has started the earlier games. He finished the 1st and went right into the 2nd since there’s quite the cliffhanger at the end of the 1st but sadly that 2nd game[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
LUX, Page 206
Happy Valentine’s Day/SAD (Single Awareness Day) to everyone! Here’s a lil tune to jump start your day: Superman’s Theme by John Williams
While I’ve been playing more of Trails of Cold Steel IV, Fred has been enjoying his time with Pathfinder: Kingmaker. He switched from PS4 to PC though since the PS4 version had some memory leaks in the coding.
Before there were Jojo memes, there were Fist of the North Star memes. 😀 “Kenshiro did it!” “Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru” -Inugami Korone (2021)
After spending a day in Nero getting Woosh’s fishing level to 6, I had a much easier time fishing during the event. Got my fishing level to 10 doing just the event.
Fishing can be relaxing or it can be frustrating. Anyone else think of this tune while in-game fishing? Ice Fishing Theme