o/’ You say you want a revolution, Well, you know… We all want to change the world. You tell me that it’s evolution, Well, you know… We all want to change the world. o/’
Archive for calcula
499 results.
And with this page, we answer the question it seems folks were asking about Calc’s pokebutt. XD I’d like to announce the opening of a Patreon account to help support the comic. Feel free to take a look at the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Our intrepid sisters find themselves on yet another world after that crash and burn incident from last week. Maybe they can kick back and relax this time?
Not the best way to bring your first adventure in a new realm to a close, but apparently this is a common mishap for most first-time flying car driver-pilots.
Summons in FFXV are huuuuuuge! I’ve been fighting some Prime avatars in FFXI of late but they’re nothing like this. 🙂