Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. I hope you’ve enjoyed LUX’s first year! I waited a week to post this video though it touches on last week’s comic as well as today’s:
Archive for woosh
Isn’t too much of a moral dilemma when it’s not just saving your sister’s life, but getting rid of a scumbag at the same time. Not to Woosh anyway. Of course, I couldn’t get this song out of my head[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I thought about having the reveal that it’s not actually Calcula/Aerith that Red’s making out with in the next comic but Fred’s expertise said it was best to show it within the same comic. 😀 The game scene all this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Here we have the future scene that Mii and Elana worked together to keep from happening. And yes, I know it’s spelled Elena in FFVII. No need to email. ^^ He should have listened to her about her Particular Set of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Turns out is okay to shoot someone in the dingding, Cartman. ;X This was an optional sidequest since Yuffie is just an optional character in the game:
The sisters are finally reunited. ♫ Shoot through the heart ♫ ~
I remembered Cloud’s crossdressing but not this. Makes you wonder if this scene will be in the remake as well…. 😀
Haven’t figured out the way to make a scheduled post ahead of time, sorry this is later on Sunday than usual.
And thus did Woosh come to realize the consequences of her actions.
While it was tempting to have Woosh take on the role of Tifa, I still like her as a thief whenever she can be. For folks who’ve played Crisis Core, you’ll know that Yuffie was in that game as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…