So yeah… some really odd looking monsters and bosses in this game. The dragon-tank actually looked less weird compared to many others, but boy did it seem like it was a dragon humping the exhaust port of a tank! 😀
Archive for comic
Happy Easter! As is joked about in this comic, I’ve been doing the solo fighter challenge in Undernauts while Calcula is playing the game normally with a full squad. I level up alot faster since the xp isn’t divided amongst[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today’s comic begins our exploration of the game Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi. On a more somber note, some tragedy struck three of our old FFXI linkshell members a couple days ago when their home burnt down with one of them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
LUX, Page 261
Indeed, Woosh, it was all just a horrible Dallas-style nightmare to lock away in a never-to-be-accessed part of your brain. On the gaming front, I’m still enjoying my return to Fortnite. They brought back building in-game yesterday but they still[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Got myself a few wins in Fortnite using my Rogue skin this week, including my first while wearing a crown. Yay me! Wish my old FN buds were still playing so I didn’t have to go Solo though.
Still enjoying my solo fighter playthrough of Undernauts, though I’m still dying some against bosses that require I switch around my stats or skills.
Picked up a dungeon crawler from Experience Inc when it was on sale on Playstation 4 called Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi. It’s got a horror feel to it that usually isn’t my jam, kinda like the Shin Megami Tensei games,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Triangle Strategy is now out! I picked up a physical copy from GameStop which came with a small collection of character cards. Fred picked up a digital copy directly from the Nintendo store.
So I recently heard about an upcoming PS4/5 title called Relayer. The demo is out and I’m enjoying it so far. Kind of a cross between Front Mission and SRW. I’ll very likely pick it up though maybe not day[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Winter was quick down here in Florida. We’ll be seeing a high of 90 in just a couple days. Been in the 80s this past week too. I better stock up on some more ice cream!