This final boss is apparently no joke. I tried MHW myself but it didn’t interest me so I’m still sticking with Caravan Stories. ^^
Archive for comic
All this isolation and self quarantining can be pretty oppressive to one’s sense of well being. I hope everyone out there is dealing with these events without doing anything harmful to themselves. Be well!
Gada remains my favorite character from Caravan Stories but she’s got alot of ways to be negated in Duels. I usually don’t mind so much since I’m not in the game for the PVP but gotta do it enough to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fred and I have begun playing Wasteland 3 so that may or may not show up here in upcoming pages soon. I was a fan of the original that I played on my then-new Commodore-64 but I never did get[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
3 more days until Fred’s birthday! If any readers out there have an Amazon Prime account and haven’t already used it’s associated free monthly Twitch subscription, you can pop by his Twitch account at: FredGDPerry and give him a Subscribe[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I do sometimes wonder if the programmers of X-Com built in a faulty accuracy percentage display just to mess with the players. It’s always seemed alot worse than the RNG-fest from games like SRW.
As some might have guessed from last week’s hint, our next game visit is going to be X-Com. #CancerSucks. We’re just a couple days removed from the one year anniversary of my dad’s death from cancer, but at least he[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Saw a few DC-related game trailers revealed yesterday. Nothing that grabbed me as a day 1 purchase but I might try out the Gotham Knights game after it’s on sale someday if it’s got solid gameplay to it. 3 weeks[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tried out Square Enix’s Marvel Avenger’s beta test yesterday. The game feels alot like Destiny 2. Not sure how much more of the game is playable in the beta but I may try it some more tomorrow.
FFXI armor gives too much of an advantage so Woosh tried to level the playing field a bit. Speaking of XI… there’s currently a 10-day Return to Vana’Diel campaign going on as Square has begun to do a new storyline[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…