LUX, Filler 6
Fred’s been dealing with a sore throat and nasty cough for over three weeks now. Doctor’s orders are rest and to take his meds, so that’s his main schedule now.
Couldn’t think of a more fitting video accompaniment then this: Excel Saga OP
That’s terrible! Hope Fred gets better!
Oh! And you too Calc!
Hope you feel better ^..^
I’ll trade you a sore throat and cold for a sinus infection and a compound distal fracture of the wrist:3
Thanks you guys! Your energy must have worked because I feel a lot better!
And Onineko, The doc thinks it might be a parasite I picked up from being dumb enough to drink the water in Berkley Springs after being mis-informed about how safe it is to drink… Things crawling around under your throat’s flesh probably still ranks under broke wrist tho.
You have a point, Calc.
Get Better Bro. wish you have a fast recovery. . Fan for Life