LUX, Page 12
Not the best way to bring your first adventure in a new realm to a close, but apparently this is a common mishap for most first-time flying car driver-pilots.
Not the best way to bring your first adventure in a new realm to a close, but apparently this is a common mishap for most first-time flying car driver-pilots.
It’s almost as bad as trying to land. You can only land on roads and sometimes there’s not enough straight road to do so. Though I have seen it done where someone managed to survive landing into a tunnel with only about 200′ of straight road outside. Respect.
Oh my goodness D=
Wow Calc barely hits a lightpost and kaboom, good job Calc. xD
Looks like someone needs a mechanic, providing they won’t kill you :p
Personally, I think it would’ve been funnier if instead of a scream, someone had gone for something understated, yet infinitely more powerful.
Something like “…well this sucks.”
Well… In the game when you do this, they all scream. And this is pretty much just a reenactment.